The Dual Care LED Red and Amber Light Therapy for Rosacea has launched

LED light therapy for rosacea red and amber The Dual Care - for blogThis is just a quick post to thank everyone for the fantastic questions you’ve been sending me about when Smarter Lights (formerly Light Therapy Options) will be launching their Dual Care rosacea light (the one I’ve been talking about because I was sent the prototype as a part of the company’s testing).

I finally know the answer!

Officially, the new rosacea-focused website launches on February 11, but it’s February 10 right now and I’m already seeing it, so I guess it’s open today but the grand opening is tomorrow.

The website is here: Smarter Lights Website

The Dual Care light is going to be $329 (American dollars) at its full price, but I just checked it out and it looks like there is an introductory sale offer that will save you $30.

It’s currently on sale for $279 here: Dual Care rosacea light therapy set

By the way, in case you’re wondering, yes, that is my face in the “before” and “after” photos. Since I was a prototype tester, they asked me for pictures to monitor my progress and I was more than happy to share!

Here’s what it comes with:

  • The High-Powered Red & Amber LED bulb (they call it a “power head”)
  • The clamp lamp that converts into a hand-held lamp (so you can use it either way)
  • Eye goggles called “Super Sunnies” for comfort (the light won’t hurt your eyes, the goggles are for the brightness)
  • Usage instructions
  • 90 day satisfaction guarantee
  • Lifetime warranty

I did a video about this, in case you’d rather watch me babble than read what I’ve typed 😉

I hope I’ve answered all your questions.

I’ve been thinking about interviewing the owner of Light Therapy Options to have more questions answered so that I can share it all with you (since I’m really not an expert, I’m just someone who has tried the product).

If there’s anything you want to know about amber and/or red light therapy for rosacea, please let me know in the comments of this blog, or on Twitter at #FixMyRedFace.  That way, I’ll know what to ask when I talk to her, and I’ll be able to let you know the answers!

That’s it for now.  Sorry my blog looks a bit like an ad. This is not sponsored and I’m not being paid to write this.  I’ve just had so many people contact me about this light – through my contact form, over Facebook and on Twitter – that I wanted to share all the answers in one place so I don’t miss anyone!

I’ll start posting normally again, soon.  I’m currently trying out a new line of products from Face Addiction that I’m excited to tell you about.

Thanks again, everyone, for all the support and the great questions you’ve asked.  Keep them coming!



  1. Hey Julie,

    Just a quick question. Since you’re Canada-based (I think!), have you ever tried the rosacea care line from Batty’s Bath? The Rosacea Skin Care Kit for example?
    Unfortunately, it’s almost 30 Dollars for shipping alone (to Germany) PLUS customs. Which would lead to a very unreasonable price. However, the ingredients sound AWESOME! That’s why I’ve tried to buy products that kind of mimic the ingredients… 🙂 We’ll see!

    Would you ever try them?

    Thank you!




    • Hi Jessica. I haven’t heard of Betty’s Bath, but thanks for the heads up!

      I’ve popped over to the site and have had a quick glimpse at the rosacea-friendly product line. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever tried. Very interesting!!!

      I’m currently trying out the Face Addiction rosacea-friendly line (, but am only a few days in, so it’s too early to know, for sure, if it’s great or not.

      If I find I’m looking for something after I try this out, I’ll definitely head to Betty’s Bath (I’ve bookmarked the link). You’re right: looks very cool! Thanks again!


  2. Hi, I have Rosacea, Fibromyalgia *&* Arthritis, which means that I’m not only red-faced; I’m in a whole whacking lot of pain. Argh!

    So my question is: Are the people who have created Light Therapy for Rosacea at all inclined to explore Light Therapy for other health problems?

    It seems to me that Light Therapy is an incredibly rich field for non-invasive, drug-free aid to serious health issues. And no — *I’m* not ‘shilling’ for Light Therapy companies, either….


    • As far as I can tell, a lot of research is already underway for using light therapy to help with Fibro pain, just as you described. I did a quick google search ( and the results showed that bright light and infrared light therapies are both being tested/used to help people who suffer from the pain afflicting you.
      I visited the Light Therapy Options site (the company behind the Dual Care light for rosacea) and they have options for pain in the case of wounds and broken bones, for healing wounds, for anti-aging, and other types of issues like that. They have a red/infrared light that can help with arthritis in specific joints, but their lights have a 12 inch treatment diameter. As far as I can tell, fibro patients use treatments in machines that look like tanning beds, since the pain isn’t localized and treatment is needed over the whole body – or at least large parts of it.
      I could be very wrong about my understanding but that’s what I’ve understood based on a Google search. I hope you find something that works for you. No one should have to live in chronic pain.


  3. Hi Julie,

    Great to see you getting good results from the light therapy treatment. I just have a few questions for you that I was hoping you could help me with. I have mild rosacea and I’m in the process of trying to prevent it from getting worse but I feel like I’m failing,

    1. Would you say light therapy has been one of the most effective treatments you have tried?
    2. I have read the therapy makes you more susceptible to the sun, just wondering what sunscreens you have found work for you for everyday or when you are out in the sun a long time?
    3. What is a good method to remove sunscreen (oil method doesn’t work for me) as I feel this is a reason it’s making my skin worse by removing the sunscreen at the end of each day.

    Sorry for the overload of questions!


    • Hi Andrew,
      Thank you for the kudos! It’s greatly appreciated.

      I’m sorry to hear that your efforts to prevent the progress of your rosacea aren’t working as well as you’d like. I hope it won’t be long before you find what’s right for you. I understand the frustration of the trial-and-error portion of discovering triggers/skincare/treatments.

      To answer your questions:
      1. I would definitely say that light therapy is the most effective treatment I’ve ever tried. I’ve now been using it for 9-10 months, making it the treatment that has continued to work for the longest period of time, too, as it is still working. In fact, I feel as though it works more effectively now than it did when I first started with it. I still have the occasional flare-up, but it clears much faster and it’s not nearly as bad. I have combined the use of the light with gentle skin care and trigger avoidance. I don’t think any single treatment will work like a rosacea “cure” on its own.

      2 – I’d never heard that LED light therapy makes you more susceptible to sunlight. I know regular laser and LLT laser can increase sensitivity to sunlight, but I haven’t come across anything that has suggested LED red light therapy or amber light therapy does that. Did you hear about that online? If so, would you mind sharing the link? I’d love to read up on it.
      While I haven’t noticed any increase in sensitivity to the sun since I’ve been using the light therapy, I do burn very easily and the sun is one of my triggers. I try not to use sunscreen whenever possible, using parasols/umbrellas or wide brimmed hats. However, if I must wear sunscreen, I use Laroche Posay Anthelios Ultra Fluid Lotion SPF 60 ( It’s a liquid, instead of a lotion, and it’s meant for sensitive/reactive skin. Previous to that, I’d used the Aveeno sunscreen for sensitive skin, but my face suddenly started reacting to it, last year. Sometimes my skin is fine with a product for months or even years but will suddenly start reacting to it for no reason. So I stopped using the Aveeno and started using the Laroche Posay, instead.

      3 – Good question! That is something I have struggled with and it’s one of the reasons I try to wear sunscreen as little as possible. My most recent strategy has been to use face wipes meant for removing makeup from sensitive skin, immediately followed by washing my face with my normal cleanser, then moisturizing. The makeup wipes I use are “Yes to Cucumbers Facial Wipes” ( The cleanser I’m using is Face Addiction Soft Cleanser ( followed by the moisturizer from that same line.

      I don’t know if the same strategies would work for you. That’s just what works for me. I hope this helps you to find what’s right for you!

      If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I love them! That’s why I have this blog in the first place 🙂


  4. Hey Julie,

    Thanks for the reply! I think I got it mixed up with the lasers that increase sensitivity to sun. I’m wondering if you have ever tried vmv hypoallergenics red better deeply soothing cleansing cream? I am looking at purchasing this one but I am pretty tight on money after buying the dual care light therapy kit, which I’m looking forward too!

    Still on the search for a sunscreen that doesn’t irritate my skin, I am waiting on vanicream spf30 and hopefully that will solve my problem.

    Kind regards,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Andrew.
    I’ve never heard of that cleansing cream. I’ve tried quite a few and am currently loving the Face Addiction Soft Cleanser, so I stopped testing out new ones. Once I find a product that works for me, I tend to stick to it very loyally since it takes so long to find a great one. I hope you’ll let me know what you think of the VMV hypoallergenics red better deeply soothing cleansing cream if you do try it, though!
    How has the vanicream worked for you? I’ve heard that it’s hit-and-miss. Many people with rosacea swear by it and have declared themselves customers for life while others just weren’t wild about it. I guess that’s the same for pretty much anything when it comes to rosacea products.
    Best of luck with everything you try out! I hope you’ll share your results. I’m genuinely interested 🙂


  6. Hi Julie,

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with rosacea. I have been dealing with it all my life. I am interested in trying out light therapy. I have seen your youtube videos demonstrating the red and amber light therapy, separately and then together. I know that the Dual Care Light has been out for a couple of months now. My question is “Do you think the Dual Care is as effective as using the red and amber lights separately?”



    • Hi Cindy,
      Thank you for sharing with me. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with rosacea for a long time, too. I definitely understand the frustration, pain and discomfort you’re going through.
      I wouldn’t be able to tell you which light would be best for you since every case of rosacea is different so mine might not react the same way as yours. You could find one more effective than the other or maybe none will be hugely effective.
      That said, for me, the Dual Care was far more effective than the amber light alone, and it was slightly more effective than the red light alone. I didn’t notice any difference between using the dual care and using both the amber and red lights separately. I would imagine that using the amber and red light separately would be more powerful, but I didn’t notice a difference on my own skin. I just found the Dual Care more convenient because I had to use only one light.
      I know that you were probably hoping for a better answer than that, but I’m really not an expert in these things. I know only what worked on me. For me, the Dual Care is the best option, and it has made a world of difference to my condition.
      I hope this helps you in some way. If there is any other way you think I can help you to come up with your treatment/skin care strategy, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m always happy to answer questions as fully and honestly as I can!
      Wishing you the best,


      • Hi Julie,

        Thank you for your reply. It was very helpful. I was on the fence trying to decide between the Dual Care or the red light alone. There is not a lot of reviews yet about this therapy so was interested in your experience since you have tried the different light therapies. I decided to try the Dual Care.

        I have enjoyed your website and find it quite informative. Keep up the great job!

        Much appreciation,


      • Hi Cindy,

        Wonderful! I’m thrilled to hear that I helped in some way. I wish you all the best of luck and healing with the Dual Care.
        I hope you continue to like this site. It’s such a joy to write it. I never could have predicted that I would love it this much or that I’d get such a positive response from such wonderfully kind people like you. Thank you so much!


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